I focus on enhancing mental well-being in workplaces like academia, corporate, and medical settings. As a researcher and student myself, I understand the challenges we face, including the pressures to publish, secure funding, and job insecurity. These challenges can have a significant impact on our mental health, leading to issues such as depression, anxiety, burnout, and stress.

24 of every 100 PhD candidate show clinically significant symptoms of depression

17 of every 100 PhD candidate show clinically significant symptoms of anxiety

Satinsky et al., Scientific Reports, 2021

My trainings are designed to address these challenges and provide practical strategies for managing mental health and promoting well-being. I offer workshops and seminars tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you’re a faculty member, research staff, or student. Investing in your mental health is essential for personal well-being and contributes to a positive work environment. Join me in prioritizing mental well-being in academia and beyond. Contact me for more information on my Professional Development Trainings and how they can benefit you and your organization.

Managing Criticism in Workplace

The nature of the scientific work involves critical thinking and “healthy” criticism. From the questions and remarks to one of your presentations, to discussions with your supervisors/lecturers, all the way up to peer-review comments from journal submissions; criticism is everywhere. Sometimes, criticism can become “unhealthy” in the sense that it is personal, harsh and not helping to improve your work. Having necessary skills to manage criticism and selectively internalize the information can help in both mental well-being and making use of the valuable suggestions within the criticism.

Duration: 90 minutes (with 10 minute break) (0,05 ECTS)
Price: €25 per participant 


  1. Criticism vs Feedback vs Insult vs Constructive Feedback
  2. Early Maladaptive Schemas and Criticism
  3. Dealing with criticism
  4. Role Play (Linden Method)
10 Science-Based Tips for Healthy Remote Working

Working from home can be challenging for several reasons. Just to name a few: Reduced social contact with colleagues, blurred work-life boundaries, home situation and “Zoom fatigue”… In this interactive lecture we will talk about 10 science-based tips for improving working from home experience and maintaining mental well-being.

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant 


  1. Classical conditioning
  2. Structuring the day
  3. Mental health
  4. Boundaries
  5. Environmental factors
  6. Exercise
  7. Loneliness
  8. Learning
Burn-out Syndrome: What is it and how to prevent?

In this seminar, you will find answers to questions such as what is burnout syndrome, what are the causes, how common is it and how can it be prevented. You will also learn how to cope with burnout syndrome and how to get out of this situation. This seminar is an important opportunity for anyone who wants to succeed in the workplace. If you want to overcome the problems caused by burnout syndrome, don’t miss this seminar!

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant 


  1. What is Burnout Syndrome?
  2. How common is it?
  3. Why Burnout happens?
  4. How to prevent burnout: Individual and organisation level strategies
  5. How to treat Burnout Syndrome
  6. Q&A
CV of Failures: Embracing the Failures together with Successes

Inspired by a great article by Melanie I. Stefan in Nature and CV of failures of Johannes Haushofer, this seminar will teach about survivorship bias and a brilliant method to fight with it. By making a CV of failures we will embrace and be proud of our failures and also show others that it is the way to go.

This seminar is an important opportunity for anyone who wants to reduce negative feelings and pressure resulting from constant (self) comparison with others.

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant 


  1. What is survivorship bias?
  2. How does it affect our mental well-being?
  3. What is a CV of failures?
  4. Let’s create one!

Contact me for more information on my Professional Development Trainings and how they can benefit you and your organization.