As a trained clinical psychologist, I conduct interactive workshops on various topics related to psychology and mental well-being. These workshops are designed to provide valuable insights into areas such as stress management, non-violent communication, emotion regulation strategies as well as general psychology topics such as social, developmental, biological and cognitive psychology. By participating in these workshops, you’ll learn practical strategies to navigate life’s challenges and improve your overall mental health.

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, prioritizing mental well-being is essential for individuals from all walks of life. Psychology seminars offer valuable insights and practical tools to enhance overall well-being and promote personal growth and development.

Psychology seminars are designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of themselves and others, as well as equip them with evidence-based strategies to navigate various challenges in life. These seminars cover a wide range of topics and cater to the diverse needs of individuals seeking personal growth and enhanced psychological well-being.

Here are some of the psychology seminars I offer:

Stress is Your Friend: Exploiting the Adaptive Side of Stress

Discover how stress can serve as a motivator, enhance performance, and promote resilience when managed effectively. Learn evidence-based strategies to transform stress into a positive force in your life.

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant


  1. Understanding Stress
  2. Stress and Well-Being
  3. The Power of Stress
  4. Transforming Stress
  5. Interactive Exercises
  6. Q&A and Discussion
Bugs of the Brain: Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions are irrational thoughts or beliefs that can negatively affect our emotions, behaviors, and overall mental health. These thoughts are often automatic and may be based on inaccurate information or biased perceptions of reality. They can cause individuals to feel anxious, depressed, or even develop mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders or depression.

Duration: 90 minutes (with 10 minutes break) (0,05 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant 


  1. Understanding Cognitive Distortions
  2. Interactive Exercise: Cognitive Distortion Hunt
  3. Interactive Exercise: Challenging Distorted Thoughts
  4. Practical Strategies
  5. Q&A and Discussion
From the Cradle to the Grave: A Brief Introduction to Developmental Psychology

Gain a deeper understanding of human development across the lifespan. Explore cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of development and learn how this knowledge can enhance your relationships, parenting skills, and personal growth.

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant


  1. Attachment and Relationships
  2. Rethinking Adolescence
  3. Adulthood and Career
  4. Personal Growth
  5. Aging Gracefully
  6. Life Transitions
Connected Minds: A Brief Introduction to Social Psychology

Explore the fascinating field of social psychology and gain insights into human behavior in social settings. Understand topics such as conformity, attitudes, prejudice, and interpersonal relationships to navigate social interactions with greater understanding and effectiveness.

Duration: 60 minutes (0,04 ECTS)
Price: €20 per participant 


  1. What is Social Psychology?
  2. Who influence whom and how?
  3. Stereotype, prejudice and discrimination
  4. Benevolent racism and sexism
  5. Small acts of kindness
  6. Attitudes and Persuasion
Riding the Waves: Navigating Difficult Emotions

Discover practical strategies to regulate your emotions and enhance emotional well-being. Learn techniques to manage difficult emotions, increase self-awareness, and cultivate emotional resilience.

Duration: 90 minutes (with 10 minute break) (0,05 ECTS)
Price: €25 per participant 


  1. Understanding Emotions
  2. Emotional Regulation
  3. Practical Techniques for Difficult Emotions
  4. Case Studies and Examples
  5. Interactive Exercises
  6. Q&A and Discussion
Beyond Words: The Art of Non-Violent Communication

Enhance your communication skills by learning non-violent communication techniques. Develop active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution skills to build stronger relationships and foster effective communication.

Duration: 90 minutes (with 10 minute break) (0,05 ECTS)
Price: €25 per participant 


  1. Introduction to Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
  2. The Four Components of NVC
  3. Conflict Resolution with NVC
  4. Active Listening and Empathy
  5. Interactive Exercises
  6. Q&A and Discussion